Nov 24,2019
We often get asked this question by users of TradeGecko’s Inventory Management software. It's a good question so we thought we would put it here as an article and link any interested parties back to it.
Put simply, the TradeGecko demand forecasting features are much simpler than StockTrim’s, and don’t have the features that are unique to StockTrim like:
- AI modelling (more accurate forecasts and trend analysis)
- Automatic seasonal analysis
- Monthly demand modelling
- Ability to override projected demand manually, and recalculate forecasts / recommended order quantities
- Automatic buffer stock / safety stock calculations
- Ability to predict demand for items with no sales history (new items)
- Easier reporting of fastest moving items / most urgent order requirements
- Easier reporting of required orders per supplier & per location.
We are a proud integration partner with Trade Gecko, and it is common for Inventory Recording systems to clip on some sort of forecasting feature. StockTrim specialises in this, and we intend to be the best option in the world for customers in the SME market.
For more info about StockTrims features or benefits, contact us here or start a free 14 day trial.